Saturday, September 28, 2013

First entry

Never thought I'd be blogging but here I am!  I know that's clique, but I'm not much of a communicator.  I'm quite quiet and keep to myself.  That's one of the reasons I like knitting.

I've just gotten back into knitting with a passion I'd forgotten.  What a wonderful thing to discover this far into life.  How wonderful to discover the joy of creation when work is heartbreaking and utterly cruel.  How delightful to find delight in the creative process when my body is growing older and ceasing to do my bidding withought complaint.

To share this joy and impose some rigor on my "work" in knitting, I am starting this blog to track the process of explore my journey into--the stitch.  I'm fascinated with what simple knits, purls, and yarn overs can create.  And I plan to explore knitting patterns and their use in knitted fabric.

Let's see where that takes us.  OK?

Today, I'm going to the Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival.  I've never been to such an event before and I'm really looking forward to it despite some pretty nasty Oregon weather.  I'll post some pictures and let you know what I learn.

On my needles right now is a Brooklyn Tweed cowl called Pei with Brooklyn Tweed yarn.  Just started it last night.  This morning I have a killer headache.  Does anyone else have this kind of trouble when knitting?  My husband made me a lovely knitting table that seems to help but I didn't use it last night.  Guess I'll learn!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got your beautiful afghan finished. I can't imagine that the couple wasn't absolutely thrilled with it. You do such beautiful work. I could write a similar blog about quilting that would include many of your "must-haves". Pam Clark
